Recommendations To Better Your Reach through Email Marketing
You Should Not Forget Calls to Action
Aim for the Optimal Time
Timing is critical in every aspect of life, but you must pay special attention to it when it comes to crafting your video marketing messages. If it is too short, people will not get any value from the video. If it runs very long, people will get bored and just move on.
Make videos just long enough to get your message across. Always remember that different lengths work best on different platforms. For Facebook, 30 to 45 seconds is perfect. If you are making a video for an email marketing message, though, you can go longer depending on what you are trying to say.
Include a Call to Action
Never treat your customers like The Sopranos treated its fans. Never show your potential customers what they came looking for and then just merely fade to black. Include some kind of call to action at the end of the video. Whether this is a call to visit your website or read a white paper, you should not waste this opportunity for follow-up.
Remove Bad Videos
If your local business has a YouTube or other video sharing account, it might seem counterintuitive to delete any of the content. Actually, though, a badly performing video can result in less visibility. If one of your videos has a lot of down votes, negative comments, or just runs too long, consider axing it to better your channel’s reach.
Great video content is essential for any successful marketing campaign. This is the reason you must devote time to your video strategy. If you are not outdoing your competition in anything, at least outdo them in video.