Mobile Marketing Steps Every Small Business Operator Needs
Considering all of the individuals who only use mobile internet, it’s kind of obvious why mobile-friendly sites are necessary. Most people, though, will not comprehend the urgency behind this. In fact, 40% of consumers opt to exit a website if its load time surpasses three seconds. So by not optimizing your website for users on mobile devices, you are likely losing 40% of future clients.
Enhance Email for Mobile Screens
Large images and hilarious memes are perfect for desktop web surfing, but they can significantly slow down a mobile user. Because of this, many on your email list may delete your messages before they even finish loading. To combat this, simply make sure your message is succinct and has a call to action. Conciseness will become even more significant as wearable technology reduces client attention even further.
Optimize Website for Mobile Users
It is not hard to understand how critical a mobile-friendly website is taking into consideration the number of people who access the internet via smartphone. It is highly unlikely, though, that you realize just how important. As it turns out, 40% of consumers will leave a website if it takes over three seconds to load. So if your site is not customized for mobile use, you might lose 4 out of every 10 potential customers.
Offer Benefits via Mobile Marketing
One of the important things about mobile technology is you can now make your customers market for you. By providing an incentive to customers who “check in” via ShopKick, Facebook, FourSquare or other mobile sites, you can make a buyer happy while simultaneously alerting their friends about your company. Additionally you can integrate Quick Response (QR) codes and even make an app to reward customers for their loyalty.
Mobile marketing is the recent big fad. Verify that you are not left behind as it evolves.